Kratom will affect each person differently although most will have the same general affects from the same strains.  If we use the analogy of alcohol, you understand that different alcohols affect people differently.  In addition, some people tolerate a large amount of alcohol without much affect, while others are drastically affected.  So it is with kratom.

Kratom is very useful as a pain reliever. It has known analgesic properties. It has been used by opioid users to break their addiction to opioids. Depending on the strain, other affects experienced are relaxation, better sleep, more energy, and increased mental focus.

Kratom also has known anti-inflammatory properties and is an immune system booster.

As far as kratom is concerned, everybody metabolizes the countless compounds in Mitragyna speciosa differently from one another. For example, while one person could try Green Maeng Da kratom and report weak effects, you might feel that that specific Green Maeng Da strain and batch is the strongest kratom you’ve ever tried.

In summary, always remember that you’ll never truly know how strong a strain, color, or batch of kratom is until you try it yourself. Finding what works best for you might take some trial and error.

  • Never take kratom if you’re pregnant.  No research on how kratom affects the fetus is available. It’s best for pregnant women to leave it alone for now.
  • Never mix kratom with prescription drugs.  Mixing drugs sounds like a no-brainer. But it’s worth to know that there’re three death cases when kratom was combined with Tramadol.
  • Avoid kratom if you have low blood pressure, renal and cardiac problems, ulcers, and schizophrenia.
  • Under no circumstances should you combine kratom with high doses of caffeine, alcohol, cocaine, or amphetamine-like drugs.
  • Avoid Benzodiazepines at any cost. It can be deadly because it makes breathing difficult.
  • Always start with a small dose until you understand how kratom will affect you.  You can always take more.
Kratom can be addictive as coffee. Addictions are common for people who use kratom every day for recreational purposes. Side effects depend on the strains and how you consume kratom. Kratom extracts are stronger compared to raw, plain leaf. And they can induce unpleasant side effects. Leaves or crushed leaves do not have as strong of alkaloids and are therefore, less addictive with less unpleasant side effects.

High doses can cause constipation because of diarrhea controlling qualities of kratom. Not common. It can be avoided if you increase your fiber and water intake. Vomiting is also a side effect with high doses. Thus it is virtually impossible to die of an overdose of kratom as it is ingested, not smoked or injected directly into the bloodstream.

Some people report they experience an upset stomach because they are sensitive to the leaves. If you have a sensitive stomach, you can use a more concentrated form of kratoms like tinctures or mild powders.

Overusing kratom builds up a tolerance, and the positive effects are no longer felt. How much tolerance depends on the potency of the strain and individual biochemistry.

Avoid tolerance by not taking anything from time to time. Let your receptors return to their normal state. Try to change strain, so you don’t get the “single strain syndrome.” People who switch to another strain from the previous one report it’s almost like the first time they tried kratom.
Affects of Kratom image